UK; Army revives ‘James Bond’ style jet suites in field trials
British Company Gravity Industries released a clip depicting its Jet Suit backpack deployed with a British army artillery unit to trial the concept of rapid service support on the battlefield using flying soldier.
During this trial, Richard Browning equipped with its Jet Suit backpack has demonstrated that a flying soldier can fly over the battlefield and land on the roof of an AS90 155mm self-propelled artillery howitzer to provide rapid support or information.
The Gravity #JetSuit uses over 1000bhp of Jet Engine power combined with the natural human balance to deliver the most intense and enthralling spectacle, often likened to the real-life Ironman.
A man equipped with the Jet Suit backpack can take off from anywhere without any preparation. It can fly at a maximum speed of 50 km/h and can carry enough fuel for about five to ten minutes of flight. According to Gravity Industries, the maximum potential altitude is 12,000 feet (3,650 m). The Jet suit has a weight of 27 kg without fuel.