Germany; Bundeswehr confirms €175M. for major procurement programs

In addition to the so-called 25 million euro bills, the budget committee of the German Bundestag approved the government draft with the ceiling of around 46.8 billion euros planned for the Federal Ministry of Defense in 2021 with minor changes.

For 175 million euros, the Bundeswehr is to get a better and safer IT information technology wide area network, ammunition for the Leopard 2 and modernized heavyweight torpedoes for its submarines. The budget committee of the German Bundestag approved the project at its meeting on November 19, 2020.

Torpedoes are being modernized

The type DM2A4 heavyweight torpedo of the of the German submarine fleet is to be modernized. To ensure that the main weapon of our submarines will also remain operationally effective in future, outdated components that are no longer available as spare parts must be replaced. The test and peripheral devices must also be updated accordingly. For around 31 million euros, 69 conversion kits are to be procured for the torpedoes and the responsible personnel are to be trained accordingly.

Framework agreement for tank ammunition

To ensure that the armored forces of the Bundeswehr are adequately supplied with ammunition, a framework agreement is to be concluded for the production and delivery of three types of ammunition for the Leopard 2 battle tank. At the same time, the Bundeswehr wants to place a binding order for 15,000 cartridges, 120 millimeters x 570, DM 88 for around 26 million euros. The framework agreement is to apply until the end of 2028.

The Bundeswehr’s wide area network is being improved

The Bundeswehr is to receive better protection for its IT information technology wide area network. The network infrastructure of the network distributed across Germany is to be renewed and a future-oriented IT information technology security solution developed.

The Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI) works closely with the Federal Office for Information Security. A total of around 117 million euros is budgeted for the contractual services to be provided by the in-house service provider BWI until 2027.

Germany; Bundeswehr confirms €175M. for major procurement programs

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