Brazil; Air Force to develop MICLA-BR cruise missiles  

Brazil’s Avibras has partnered with the Air Force to develop long-range cruise missiles.

FAB e AVIBRAS firmam parceria para desenvolver míssil de cruzeiro MICLA-BR  - Poder Aéreo - Aviação Militar, Indústria Aeronáutica e de Defesa

The two parties signed a corresponding memorandum of understanding on November 23. The MICLA-BR project, under the Aeronautical Military Strategic Plan (PEMAER), involves development of a long-range cruise missile powered by a reaction engine for airborne platforms, the company said in a release.

With the knowledge to be acquired during the development of the MICLA, it will be possible to design a family of similar missiles, using cutting-edge technology, for application in various scenarios of armed conflict by the Brazilian Armed Forces

Brazil; Air Force to develop MICLA-BR cruise missiles  

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