Croatia; $757M  to upgrade Bradley APCs inventory

The Croatian Army’s M2A2 Operation Desert Storm (ODS) Bradley Fighting vehicles may be modernized for $757 million as requested by the government.

The Croatian army is armed with the American BMN M2A2 Bradley ODS

The U.S. State Department green lit Croatia’s request to refurbish 76 of these vehicles and related equipment today. The contract covers 84 M240 machine guns, 1103 TOW 2A Radio Frequency (RF) missiles; 16 TOW 2A Radio Frequency (RF) fly‑to‑buy lot acceptance missiles; 100 TOW 2B Radio Frequency (RF) missiles; 8 TOW 2B Radio Frequency (RF) fly-to-buy lot acceptance missiles; 500 TOW Bunker Buster (BB) Radio Frequency (RF) missiles; and 8 TOW BB fly-to-buy lot acceptance missiles, Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in a statement on December 1.

The prime contractors will be BAE Systems, York, Pennsylvania; and Raytheon Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona.

Croatia; $757M  to upgrade Bradley APCs inventory

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