Northrop Secures Australia’s $330M Deal for EW Jammers to Foil Radio-Controlled IEDs
The U.S. Department of Defense today announced a $330 million contract to provide Australia with Joint Counter Radio-Controlled Improvised Explosive Device (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (JCREW) systems.
In November 2019, the U.S. State Department approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Australia of JCREW Increment 1 Block 1 Systems and related equipment. Australia had requested to buy up to 850 JCREW I1B1 Systems (533 vehicle mounted and 317 dismounted), at an estimated cost of $245 million.
The JCREW I1B1 was formerly known as JCREW 3.3. JCREW is a software-programmable jammer that provides protection from device-triggered IEDs. The units are available in both a wearable, backpack design and a mounted/fixed-site version to protect warfighters on foot, in vehicles, and in permanent structures.