Tajikistan; Army receives surplus Russian engineering vehicles

Russia’s Defense Ministry has handed over more than 40 items of engineering and special hardware to Tajikistan for free, the Russian Defense Ministry’s press office said.

תוצאת תמונה עבור tmk-2

The Tajik armed forces received engineering reconnaissance vehicles, MTO-I maintenance vehicles, TMK-2 wheeled trenching machines, an excavator and a powerplant. The batch included radars too.

In February 2019, a batch of Russian military goods was handed over to Tajikistan as gratuitous assistance. The batch’s value is worth more than $9 million.

In October 2019, Russia handed over another batch of military hardware worth about 320 million rubles to Tajikistan for free. The batch included a radar and upgraded BRDM-2M armored reconnaissance vehicles.


Tajikistan; Army receives surplus Russian engineering vehicles

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