Washington has given its approval to the request made by three Baltic countries for the shipment of US-made weapons to Ukraine, with the threat of Russian invasion in the background. The State Department’s pertinent approval for Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to supply Kiev with anti-tank systems and anti-aircraft missiles, among other military materiel, adds to the shipment of anti-armor defensive weapons that London has already acknowledged it is sending to Ukraine. In this way, the country tries to strengthen its defense against a foreseeable invasion led by Moscow, which has been accumulating troops on the borders for weeks for this possible operation.
One of the sources familiar with the US authorization, who have revealed the information to Reuters,points out that in the case of Estonia the transfer of Javelin counter-tank missiles is contemplated and in that of Lithuania the requested supply includes Stingermissiles. Meanwhile, Britain has revealed that it is already supplying counter-tank weaponry to Ukraine so that it can defend itself against the possible Russian attack, which has concentrated around 100,000 troops along the borders and is in a position to double that figure quickly, according to information revealed by the United States.
A State Department spokesman also confirmed that Washington has also authorized Britain to provide Kiev with U.S.-made military equipment, though without elaborating on what weapons they are. At the moment, the British Defense Secretary, Ben Wallace,has explained in the country’s parliament that it has already been decided to supply “light systems of anti-armor defensive weapons” and short-range to Ukraine, and that the first shipment was made on Monday, accompanied by British personnel to advise on its use.