Ukraine; US to supply APKWS 70mm aerial guided rockets  

According to information published by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) on May 6, 2022, the United States will deliver to Ukraine Advanced Precision Kill Weapon Systems (APKWS) which is a 70mm laser-guided rocket that can be launched from an air platform as a helicopter or drones as well as from a land platform.

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On April 1, 2022, the United States DoD (Department of Defense) announced a $300 million budget in security assistance under USAI (Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative), and to date, the DOD has already awarded eight contracts totaling $136.8 million including unmanned aerial systems, Puma, advanced precision kill weapon system, communication devices, combat medical equipment and supplies, meals ready to eat, even binoculars.

The Hydra 70 rocket is a 70 mm diameter fin-stabilized unguided rocket used primarily in the air-to-ground role. The rocket is used to perform a variety of missions. The war reserve unitary and cargo warheads are used for anti-materiel, anti-personnel, and suppression missions. The Hydra 70 family of folding-fin aerial rockets also includes smoke screening, illumination, and training warheads.

The 70mm rocket of the APKWS has a semi-active laser guidance system with an effective firing range from 1.1 to 12 km. The rocket has a range of up to 5 km fired from rotary-wing platforms and 12 km from fixed-wing platforms.

Ukraine; US to supply APKWS 70mm aerial guided rockets  

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