The Nicaraguan Government will allocate, in 2023, 327.9 million dollars for Security and Public Order and110.4 million dollars for Defense. Of the country’s total budget for next year, Security and Public Order will receive 9.8%, while Defense will be allocated only 3.3%. With this, the Nicaraguan Army continues to receive one of the lowest budgets in the Central American region and also in Latin America.
Faced with this situation, the Army depends extensively on the cooperation of other countries, mainly its biggest allies: Russia and China. However, the United States also remains an ally of the government of President Daniel Ortega, despite sanctions for allegations of human rights violations, persecution and imprisonment of political opponents, and restrictions on press freedom, among other issues questioned.
Budget for 2023
Nicaragua established its budget for 2023 at 3,046.7 million dollars, which will have a surplus of 130.9 million dollars, the National Assembly (unicameral Congress) recently reported in La Gaceta, the official Nicaraguan newspaper.