General Dynamics European Land Systems-Bridge Systems will deliver four Python bridge systems to Georgia as part of the “Enable and Enhance Initiative” set up by the Federal Government of Germany. Each bridge is mounted along with its launcher on an 8×8 carrier truck with palletized load system. The four systems are to be delivered within the next two years.
The “Enable and Enhance Initiative” aims at investing in the civil and military security sectors of countries threatened by crisis, and thus at strengthening their ability to prevent and manage latent conflicts.
Python has been developed as a rapidly emplaced bridge for light and medium-weight forces. It allows the crossing of unprepared gaps of up to 13 m for wheeled and tracked vehicles. It has a loading capacity of up to MLC 50, with its light aluminum frame ensuring tactical gap crossing for the vast majority of mechanized tracked and wheeled platforms. The light and modular design can be transported by air or by any 10/15 ton PLS-Truck or medium armored platform.