In a ceremony held this Friday (11th) in Rio de Janeiro, the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, launched the new Growth Acceleration Program (PAC). During the event, which was attended by the Minister of Defense, José Mucio Monteiro, the Federal Government detailed the initiative, which provides for investments of R$ 53 billion ($11.3 billion) in the Defense area, one of the nine contemplated in the program. Through the initiative, a total of R$ 1.7 trillion will be invested in all states.
Resources earmarked for Defense will be used to equip the country with state-of-the-art technologies and increase national defense capacity, in addition to strengthening the Defense Industrial Base (BID), generating more jobs and income. Currently, the sector represents around 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generates 2.9 million direct and indirect jobs. The PAC’s Defense axis covers strategic projects for the Armed Forces, such as naval, land, air equipment and integrating systems.
Navy Nuclear Program (PMN) – Construction of the Embedded Nuclear Plant (PNE) of the Conventionally Armed Submarine with Nuclear Propulsion (SCPN). As intermediate objectives, the Laboratory of Nucleoelectric Generation – LABGENE, which is the prototype on land of the PNE, and the infrastructure of the Fuel Cycle will be developed and obtained.
Submarine Development Program (PROSUB) – Construction in the country of the first Conventionally Armed Submarine with Nuclear Propulsion (SCPN). In addition, the Program contributes to the improvement and innovation of the Submarine Force of the Brazilian Navy (MB), with the construction of four Conventional Diesel-Electric Propulsion Submarines. It is also planned to continue work on the Itaguaí Naval Complex (RJ)
Program for the Development of Patrol Vessels (PRONAPA) – Construction of patrol vessels, which will be developed and built nationally, for use in naval inspection actions and inspection of inland waters, the territorial sea, the Contiguous Zone and the Economic Zone Exclusive (EEZ).
Tamandaré Class Frigates Project – To promote the renewal of the Fleet with the construction of four modern ships of high technological complexity in the country. The frigates will be versatile escorts of significant combat power, capable of countering multiple threats and intended for the protection of maritime traffic, being able to carry out defense missions, close or far, from the Brazilian coast.
Armored Force Strategic Program – Obtain armored vehicles on wheels and tracks, in addition to their component subsystems, such as weapons and communications systems, contributing to the transformation of Motorized Infantry into Mechanized (Inf Mec), in the modernization of Mechanized Cavalry (Cav Mec) and Armored Infantry and Cavalry (Bld).
ASTROS Strategic Program – Contribute to the organization of the Brazilian Army’s missile and rocket artillery (EB), enabling the Land Force to be equipped with a long-range and high-precision strategic fire support system, capable of using guided rockets and missiles cruise tactics at a range of 300 km, which will contribute to strengthening Brazil’s dissuasive capacity.
Integrated Border Monitoring System (SISFRON) – Equip the Army with the necessary means to monitor and control the Brazilian land border strip, with the support of sensors, processors and actuators, among other technological means.
Army Aviation Program – Keep the Army’s aviation up-to-date, in view of the modern means and existing forms of combat, contributing to extra-regional deterrence; for expanding the projection of the EB on the international scene; for sustainable development and social peace.
Air Force FX-2 – Re-equip the fleet of military combat aircraft to protect the national territory and maintain the sovereignty of Brazilian airspace. The initiative foresees the acquisition/production of multi-purpose fighter aircraft (F-39 Gripen NG), in order to expand the FAB’s capacity in fulfilling the tasks of Aerospace Control, Interdiction, Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Force Protection, among others. The project also includes the peripherals needed to support and use equipment with state-of-the-art combat capability.
KC-390 – Develop and acquire multi-mission transport aircraft, freighter type, to carry out logistical air transport missions (troops and cargo) in national and/or global territory, refueling, aeromedical evacuation and in-flight firefighting, as well as adequacy of air base infrastructure to support and operate such equipment.
KC-X – Acquisition of aircraft for in-flight refueling missions, logistical air transport (cargo and passengers), humanitarian actions and aeromedical evacuation, national or international. They are the largest ever operated by the FAB, with a high capacity to transport cargo and travel long distances.
Transport and Refueling – Conversion of FAB A330-200 transport aircraft for in-flight refueling, with preparation for aeromedical evacuation, in addition to materials, equipment and services.
HX-BR – Acquisition of medium-sized helicopters intended for combat support and interdiction tasks, as well as for training missions, which can also be used in humanitarian, national and civic-social integration actions. In addition, the project provides for the acquisition of specific weapons for helicopters, integration systems, logistical support, flight simulators and technology transfer in the area of rotary-wing aircraft.
TH-X – Acquisition of light helicopters for instruction at the FAB, and instruction and operation in maritime environments at the MB. The equipment will replace and standardize the FAB and MB light helicopter fleets, providing increased interoperability and job effectiveness.