Brazil; Record arms exports so far this year

Exports of Defense Products Total US$ 1.1 Billion This Year, Exceed Last Year’s Total by Over 60%

During the first nine months of this year, Brazilian exports of defense products totaled US$ 1.1 billion, or 63% more than in 2022, when the country recorded US$ 648.5 million in export sales of defense products. The accumulated result for 2023 is the third-best result when compared to the figures achieved over the past decade. Among the most exported items in the year are weapons, ammunition, explosives and aircraft (fixed wing and rotary wings).

This month, Embraer sold another five KC-390 aircraft to Austria (Austria says it is buying only four–Ed.) and another five to the Netherlands, reaffirming the growth of the national defense industry, a sector that, in Brazil, represents around 5% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and generates 2.9 million direct and indirect jobs. Brazil is the largest exporter of defense products in South America.

Defense PAC – The resources allocated to Defense through the New PAC total R$53 billion and will be used to equip the country with cutting-edge technologies and increase national defense capacity, in addition to strengthening the BID, generating more jobs and income. The PAC’s Defense axis covers strategic projects for the Armed Forces, such as naval, land, air equipment and integrative systems.

The BID organization has 290 domestic companies registered with the Ministry of Defense. The Brazilian portfolio is made up of 1,365 products, such as aircraft, vessels, cyber solutions for data protection, radars, secure communication systems and weapons, among other high-technology items.


Brazil; Record arms exports so far this year

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