Antigua Barbuda; ABDF inducts Piper Pa-31-350 Navajo Aircraft

On November 10, 2023, in a significant move to strengthen its aerial capabilities, the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force integrated a new aircraft, the Piper Pa-31-350 Navajo/Chieftain, into its fleet. The aircraft was officially received in a ceremony at the V.C. Bird International Airport, located near the capital, St. John’s.

Piper PA-31 Navajo - Wikipedia

Lieutenant Colonel Alando Michael highlighted that this aircraft registered ABDF-A2, can carry up to nine passengers and will be essential for various operations, including search and rescue missions, troop transport, humanitarian assistance in the event of a disaster, and emergency medical evacuations. This new aircraft joins the Britten-Norman BN-2B Islander, registered ABDF-A1, acquired in February 2022, marking a significant expansion of the Defense Force’s Air Wing.

Antigua Barbuda; ABDF inducts Piper Pa-31-350 Navajo Aircraft

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