According to information published by the Indian Ministry of Defense on December 16, 2022, India released a list of major military equipment imports including the THeMIS UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) designed and manufactured by the Estonian company MILREM Robotics.
There is no information on when and the number of THeMIS UGVs (Unmanned Ground Vehicles) which would have been purchased by India. Recently, the Indian Ministry of Defense has launched a procurement to acquire 700 autonomous combat vehicles which have similar technical capabilities as the Estonian THeMIS UGV.
Citing information from the “OVD” defense website, the Estonian company MILREM has collaborated with Indian defense major Kalyani Strategic Systems Limited (KSSL) to offer the system in India.
During Defexpo, a defense exhibition that was held in India on October 2022, the Indian company Bharat Forge Limited (BFL) presented the THeMIS UGV at its booth.
The THeMIS (Tracked Hybrid Modular Infantry System) is a tracked Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that was designed and developed by the Estonian company MILREM Robotics. The vehicle is available in different configurations and can be used as a transport platform, remote weapon station, IED detection, and disposal unit for dismounted troops.
The main purpose of the THeMIS Transport is to support the logistics unit and provide resupply for fighting units on the front line. It supports infantry units by reducing their physical and cognitive load, increasing stand-off distance, force protection, and survivability.