According to information published by the Indian news website “Firstpost” on 16 April 2023, in a major move aimed at bolstering their rocket capabilities against potential threats from the northern borders, the Indian armed forces are set to purchase 250 Pralay missiles and two more units of the Pralay ballistic missiles. The order, valued at over $915 million, demonstrates India’s commitment to strengthening its defense capabilities.
The Pralay missile is an impressive, solid-fueled, short-range ballistic missile developed by India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation DRDO
As both China and Pakistan maintain ballistic missiles for tactical purposes, the acquisition of the Pralay missiles is anticipated to provide a significant advantage to the Indian armed forces. This enhanced capability will enable India to better protect its interests and maintain stability in the region.
The Pralay ballistic missile is an advanced, solid-fueled, short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India. Designed to bolster India’s strategic deterrence capabilities, the missile is a crucial component of the country’s arsenal for ensuring national security.
With an estimated range of 150 to 500 kilometers, the Pralay missile is capable of carrying various types of warheads, including conventional and nuclear payloads. Its advanced guidance system ensures high accuracy, while its solid-fueled propulsion enables quick deployment and reduced launch preparation time.