The Mauritius Police Force (MPF) has introduced its recently acquired Do 228 and Dhruv aircraft into service after taking delivery from India.
The MPF said the two aircraft were commissioned into service on 27 April during a ceremony at a new Police Hangar at Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport. Mauritian Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth attended the ceremony along with the country’s defence minister and other dignitaries.
The Do 228 was constructed by Hindustan Aviation Limited (HAL) and financed through an Indian loan. The aircraft (MP-CG-5) was handed over by HAL on 6 April and is a Passenger Variant equipped with a glass cockpit. It is powered by twin TPE 331-10 engines equipped with five-blade propellers. In September, India supplied a Do 228 (MSN 4059) to Mauritius under a free lease deal until the new aircraft could be delivered.
The 27 April ceremony also saw the induction of a Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH), which is being leased from the Indian Air Force. The helicopter is fitted with a rescue hoist, cargo hook, and helicopter-fitted stretchers. The Police Helicopter Squadron, in the coming years, will receive a new ALH Mk III. The contract for the Mk III Dhruv was announced in January this year. The Dhruv (MPH 10) commissioned in April is being leased until the new aircraft arrives.