Slovakia; COVID-19 Disinfectants liquids tenders

Original Tender Title

Slovakia-Bratislava: Disinfectants

Tender Expires On September 16, 2020
Tender Number 199214

$11.00 $10.00



Slovakia-Bratislava: Disinfectants

2020 / S 158-385284

Procurement notice


Legal basis:

Directive 2014/24 / EU

Section I: Contracting authority


Name and addresses

Official name: Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic – Office for Investments and Acquisitions

Organization Identification Number (IČO): 30845572

Postal address: Kutuzovova 8

Town: Bratislava-mestská časť Nové Mesto


Postcode: 832 47

Country Slovakia

Contact person: Ing. Mária Grocholová, Ph.D.


Telephone: +421 960317670

Internet address (es):

Main address:

Address of the buyer profile page:


Information on joint procurement



Competition documents are available directly and completely without restrictions or fees at:

Further information can be obtained at the above address

Tenders or requests to participate must be submitted electronically via:


Type of contracting authority

Ministry or other state or federal authority, including regional or local departments


Main activity


Section II: Subject matter


Scope of procurement




Reference number: ÚpIA-EL-3 / 1-42 / 2020-OOTSIaKT


Main CPV code

24455000 Disinfectants


Type of contract



Brief description:

Disinfectants intended for disinfection of surfaces and disinfection of skin for the needs of protection of life and health of members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and employees of the Ministry of Defense in connection with the epidemiological incidence of COVID 19, which means broad-spectrum disinfectant



Total estimated value

Value without VAT: 264 715.80 EUR


Parts information

This contract is divided into parts: yes

Tenders may be submitted for all lots





Surface disinfectant


Part No: 1


Additional CPV codes

24455000 Disinfectants


Place of execution



NUTS code: SK031 Žilina region

Main place of delivery or performance:

Office of the Chief Physician, Pod Stráňami 1, Liptovský Mikuláš, SLOVAKIA



Procurement description:

Delivery of a broad-spectrum disinfectant for areas – medical for the needs of ensuring the protection of life and health of members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and employees of the Ministry of Defense in connection with the epidemiological incidence of COVID 19 in the expected amount of 31,210 liters.


The quantity of purchased goods is stated as the expected maximum quantity and the actual quantity that will be the subject of the purchase will be adjusted on the basis of the results of the tender and the prices offered by the successful tenderer.



Criteria for the evaluation of tenders

The criteria below

The price


Estimated value

Value without VAT: 112 356.00 EUR


Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in days: 30

This procurement may be renewed: no


Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no


Information about options

Options: no


Information about electronic catalogs


Information on European Union funds

The procurement concerns a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: no


Additional information





Disinfectant for the skin


Part No: 2


Additional CPV codes

33741300 Hand disinfectants


Place of execution

NUTS code: SK031 Žilina region



Main place of delivery or performance:

Office of the Chief Physician, Pod Stráňami 1, Liptovský Mikuláš, SLOVAKIA



Procurement description:

Delivery of a disinfectant for the skin for the needs of ensuring the protection of life and health of members of the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic and employees of the Ministry of Defense in connection with the epidemiological incidence of COVID 19 in the expected amount of 11,820 liters.


The quantity of purchased goods is stated as the expected maximum quantity and the actual quantity that will be the subject of the purchase will be adjusted on the basis of the results of the tender and the prices offered by the successful tenderer.



Criteria for the evaluation of tenders

The criteria below

The price


Estimated value

Value without VAT: 152 359.80 EUR


Duration of the contract, framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system

Duration in days: 30

This procurement may be renewed: no


Information about variants

Variants will be accepted: no


Information about options

Options: no


Information about electronic catalogs


Information on European Union funds

The procurement concerns a project and / or program financed by European Union funds: no


Additional information

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and te technical information



Conditions of participation


Suitability to pursue professional activities, including requirements for registration in trade or trade registers

List and brief description of conditions:

List and short description of conditions: The applicant must meet the conditions of participation according to § 32 par. 1 of Act no. 343/2015 Coll. on Public Procurement and on Amendments to Certain Acts, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Procurement Act” in this Procurement Notice).


The public procurer is not authorized to obtain data from public administration information systems according to § 32 par. 3 of the Public Procurement Act, therefore the tenderer shall prove the fulfillment of the conditions of participation according to § 32 par. 1 letter a) to f) of the Public Procurement Act in one of the following ways:


– pursuant to Section 32 (2), (4) and (5) of the Public Procurement Act,


– entry in the list of economic entities according to § 152 par. 1 of the Public Procurement Act,


– according to § 152 par. 3 of the Public Procurement Act by registration or confirmation of registration issued by the competent authority of another EU Member State, which is equivalent to registration in the list of economic entities pursuant to § 152 par. 1 of the Public Procurement Act,


– another equivalent document.


  1. In the case of a tenderer made up of a group of suppliers participating in a procurement procedure, proof of compliance with the conditions for participation as regards personal status shall be required for each member of the group separately.


Fulfillment of the condition of participation according to § 32 par. 1 letter e) of the Public Procurement Act, a member of the group proves only in relation to the part of the subject of the contract which he is to secure.


Further information relating to the conditions of participation in the public procurement concerning the personal status is provided in the tender documents for this public tender.



Economic and financial position

List and brief description of selection criteria:

The tenderer shall submit the following original document (s) or officially certified copies thereof by which he proves his financial and economic standing:


1 Pursuant to § 33 par. 1 letter a) of the Public Procurement Act statement of a bank (banks) or a branch of a foreign bank (branches of foreign banks)


The tenderer may use the financial resources of another person to prove his financial and economic position, regardless of their legal relationship. In such a case, the tenderer must prove to the contracting authority that, in performing the purchase contract, he will actually use the resources of the person whose position he uses to prove his financial and economic standing. The fact according to the previous sentence is proved by the tenderer by a written contract concluded with a person whose sources he intends to prove his financial and economic position. The written contract must stipulate the person’s obligation to provide performance for the entire duration of the contractual relationship. The person whose resources are to be used to prove the financial and economic position must prove the fulfillment of the conditions of participation concerning the personal position, except for § 32 par. e) of the Public Procurement Act and there must be no grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 40 par. a) to h) and par. 7 of the Public Procurement Act. If, for objective reasons, the tenderer is unable to prove his financial and economic standing by means of a document in accordance with point 1 of this part (III.1.2) of this contract notice, the contracting authority may accept another document proving his financial and economic standing.


A group of suppliers may use the financial resources of the participants to prove their financial and economic standing


Groups of suppliers or other persons according to § 33 par. 2 of the Public Procurement Act.


Minimum level (s) of standards possibly required:

The contracting authority shall require the submission of the original document (s) or officially certified copies thereof to prove its financial and economic standing:


Point. 1. Statement of all banks or branches of foreign banks where the tenderer has an account on its ability to meet its financial obligations for the previous three years from the date of the call for tenders (or for years available depending on the establishment or commencement of operations) activities) and has not been in an unauthorized debit for a specified period of time; The decisive period of the previous three years is considered to be the period of the last three years ending on the day preceding the date of publication of the contract notice in the Official Journal of the EU.


An account statement is not considered a bank confirmation.


Point. 2. Affidavit of the tenderer that he has accounts only in the bank (banks) or branch of the foreign bank (branches of foreign banks), from which he submitted the statement of the bank (banks) or branch of the foreign bank (branches of foreign banks) according to the previous point.



Technical and professional competence

List and brief description of selection criteria:

The contracting authority requires technical or technical assistance from tenderers ability to prove in public procurement:


Point 1: According to §34 par. 1 letter a) of the Public Procurement Act by a list of deliveries of goods for the previous three years from the announcement of the public procurement, with an indication of prices, delivery times and customers; the document is a reference if the customer was a public contracting authority or a contracting authority pursuant to the Public Procurement Act.


Point 2: according to § 34 par. 1 letter m) point 1 of the Public Procurement Act by a description of the offered goods.


Item 3: according to § 34 par. 1 letter m) point 1 of the Act on Public Procurement with photographs of the offered goods.


The tenderer may use the technical and professional capacity of another person to prove his technical competence or professional competence, regardless of their legal relationship. In such a case, the tenderer must prove to the contracting authority that, in performance of the purchase contract, he will actually use the capacity of the person whose competence he uses to demonstrate technical or professional competence. The fact according to the previous sentence shall be proved by the tenderer by a written contract concluded with a person whose technical and professional capacities he intends to prove his technical competence or professional competence. The written contract must stipulate the person’s obligation to provide his / her capacities for the entire duration of the contractual relationship. A person whose capacities are to be used to prove technical competence or professional competence must prove the fulfillment of the conditions for participation relating to personal status and there must be no grounds for exclusion pursuant to § 40 para. 6 letter a) to h) and par. 7 of the Public Procurement Act; the authorization to supply the goods is proved in relation to the part of the subject of the contract for which the capacities were provided to the tenderer.


The group of suppliers may use the technical and professional capacity of the participants in the group of suppliers or other persons pursuant to Section 34 (3) of the Public Procurement Act to prove technical competence or professional competence.


Minimum level (s) of standards possibly required:

  1. The minimum level required by the public contracting authority pursuant to § 38 para. 5 of the Public Procurement Act in relation to proving the conditions of participation pursuant to § 34 para. 1 letter a) of the Public Procurement Act.


The contracting authority requires the submission of a list of supplies of goods of the same or similar nature as Part 1 and Part 2 of the subject of the contract, i. delivery of disinfectant for areas for the 1st part of the subject of the contract and delivery of disinfectants for the skin for the 2nd part of the subject of the contract with indication of prices, delivery times of goods and customers in accordance with § 34 par. 1 letter a) of the Public Procurement Act for the previous three years from the announcement of the public procurement, whereby the contracting authority requires proof of delivery of goods in total in the following minimum aggregate value (for all three years together, or for years available depending on the origin or start of operation) activities) expressed in euro or in an equivalent amount in a foreign currency in the various parts of the subject of the contract as follows:


For part of the subject of contract no. 1 – 60 000, – EUR including VAT.


For part of the subject of contract no. 2 – 90 000, – EUR including VAT.


If the tenderer submits a tender for both parts of the subject of the contract at the same time, the minimum financial volume of deliveries of goods must be equal to the sum of the minimum financial volumes of deliveries of goods of both parts of the subject of the contract for which the tenderer submits a tender.


The decisive period of the previous three years is considered to be the period of the last three years ending on the day preceding the date of publication of the contract notice in the Official Journal of the EU.


In the current case, the tenderer will convert the values denominated in foreign currency into euros according to the valid exchange rate of the ECB from the date of publication of the contract notice for publication in the Official Journal (Official Journal of the EU, Official Gazette). The tenderer shall document and submit the method of recalculation as part of the documents to which it is bound in order to prove that the conditions for participation have been met.


The list of deliveries will be submitted as originals or officially certified copies. It must be clear from the document (s) submitted to which part of the subject of the contract the documents submitted relate.


  1. The minimum level required by the public contracting authority pursuant to § 38 para. 5 of the Public Procurement Act in relation to proving the conditions of participation pursuant to § 34 para. 1 letter m) point 1 of the Public Procurement Act – description of the offered goods:


Tenderers shall submit a description of the various types of goods offered separately for each part of the subject of the contract for which they submit a tender. In the description of the offered goods, the tenderers shall state the name of the goods, trade name and manufacturer of the goods, technical parameters of the offered goods and other information about the offered goods at least in the scope of requirements for the subject of the contract stated in the tender documents for this tender. , in order to be able to clearly assess the fulfillment of all requirements of the contracting authority for the subject of the contract in the relevant part of the subject of the contract. The description of the offered goods must be in in accordance with the requirements set out in the tender documents for this tender, in section B.2 Description of the subject of the contract and in accordance with the tender submitted by the tenderer.


  1. The minimum level required by the public contracting authority pursuant to § 38 para. 5 of the Public Procurement Act in relation to proving the conditions of participation pursuant to § 34 para. 1 letter m) point 1 of the Public Procurement Act – photographs of the offered goods:


Tenderers shall submit color photographs or similar color images (eg brochure, catalog sheet, image obtained by printing from a printing output device, etc.), instructions in Slovak for all individual types of goods offered separately for each part of the subject for which they submit a tender. .



Information on reserved orders


Conditions relating to the contract


Terms of order execution:


Information on the staff responsible for carrying out the contract

Section IV: Procedure





Type of procedure



Information on the framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system


Information on the reduction of the number of solutions or offers during the negotiation or dialogue


Electronic auction information

An electronic auction will be used

Additional information about the electronic auction:

The public contracting authority shall use an electronic auction in each part of the subject of the contract pursuant to Section 54 of the Public Procurement Act. More information about the electronic auction is given in the tender documents. The contracting authority reserves the right not to use the electronic auction if only one tenderer should participate in the electronic auction in the relevant part of the subject of the contract.



Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) Information

This procurement is covered by a government procurement agreement: no


Administrative information


Previous publication concerning this procurement procedure


Deadline for submission of tenders or requests to participate

Date: 16/09/2020

Local time: 08:30


Estimated date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates


Language (s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up:

Slovak, Czech


Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender

Offer must be valid until: 10/11/2020


Conditions for opening tenders

Date: 16/09/2020

Local time: 09:30

The place:

Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic, Office for Investments and Acquisitions, Kutuzovova 8, 832 47 Bratislava, SLOVAKIA.


Information on authorized persons and opening of offers:

The opening of tenders will be non-public in accordance with § 54 par. 3 of the Public Procurement Act, i. carried out without the participation of tenderers who have submitted a tender within the time limit for the submission of tenders.


Section VI: Additional information



Repeat procurement information

This procurement will be repeated: no


Information on electronic work management

Electronic payments will be used


Additional information:

  1. Communication in public procurement will be carried out in writing, via the electronic Information System for Electronic Public Procurement (hereinafter referred to as IS EVO), which is administered by the Public Procurement Office, using all its functionalities. The condition for successful communication in the IS EVO system and for successful submission of tenders is that the candidate / tenderer complies with the requirements for software and hardware equipment necessary for work in the IS EVO system. The necessary technical equipment and requirements for the use of the IS EVO system are published at the following address: In the IS EVO, at the moment of delivery of information (requests, documents, tenders and others) considers the dispatch of a given submission t. j. date of dispatch = date of delivery. The tender documents for the public tender are published from the day of the announcement of this public procurement in the profile of the public contracting authority established in the electronic repository on the website of the Public Procurement Office at Parts of tender documents section B.1. Draft purchase contract, section B.2 Description of the subject of the contract and point no. The contracting authority will currently publish in its profile other possible documents necessary for the preparation of the tender (eg providing an explanation pursuant to Section 48 of the Public Procurement Act).


  1. In accordance with Section 39 of the Public Procurement Act, tenderers may also temporarily replace the documents proving the fulfillment of the conditions for the participation of tenderers in public procurement determined in accordance with points III.1.1.) To III.1.3) of this public procurement notice with a Single European Document (hereinafter only ,, JED), meeting the requirements of § 39 par. 2 of the Public Procurement Act, i. containing an updated declaration by the economic operator that:


(a) there is no reason to exclude him.


(b) provide the contracting authority, on request, with the documents replaced by the JED . Further details and information relating to the JED are given in the tender documents.


  1. No security is required.


  1. Communication between the contracting authority and interested parties, resp. applicants will be conducted only in Slovak or Czech.


  1. According to § 66 par. 7, first sentence of the Public Procurement Act, the evaluation of the fulfillment of the conditions for participation pursuant to Section 40 of the Public Procurement Act shall be carried out after the evaluation of tenders pursuant to Section 53 of the Public Procurement Act.


  1. In this public procurement, the public contracting authority applies § 40 par. 6 letter g) of the Public Procurement Act, i. exclude a tenderer if, on the basis of reliable information, it has a reasonable suspicion that the tenderer has entered into an anti-competitive agreement with another economic operator in the procurement in question.


  1. This procurement is not green procurement, innovation procurement and social procurement.


  1. The contracting authority shall not conclude a purchase contract with a tenderer who is obliged to register in the register of public sector partners pursuant to Act no. 315/2016 on the register of public sector partners and on the amendment of certain laws.



Review procedures


Authority responsible for the review

Official name: Public Procurement Office

Postal address: Ružová dolina 10, P.O.Box 98

City / Town: Bratislava

Postcode: 820 05

Country Slovakia

Phone: +421 250264176

Fax: +421 250264219

Internet address:



Body responsible for mediation


Review procedure


Service from which information on the review process can be obtained

Official name: Public Procurement Office

Postal address: Ružová dolina 10, P.O.Box 98

City / Town: Bratislava

Postcode: 820 05

Country Slovakia

Phone: +421 250264176

Fax: +421 250264219

Internet address:


Date of dispatch of this notice:


Slovakia; COVID-19 Disinfectants liquids tenders
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