Spain; Army formulating plan to protect Centauro VCR fleet

The Spanish Army is working on a program for the modernization of its Centauro Reconnaissance and Combat Vehicle (VCR) in service with its cavalry units. The project, in charge of the Army Logistics Support Command (MALE), plans to advance throughout this year in improving the protection and firepower of this platform.

KitMeet on Twitter: "A bunch of Spanish Centauro VRC-105 happily enjoying  the field at #TridentJuncture #TJ15"

With regard to protection, the objective is to provide the vehicle with rocket protection systems. Specifically, the Army is opting for a slat armor or equivalent, which is especially effective in asymmetric combat and in urban environments, as explained by the Digital Tierra bulletin in its January issue.

The program also aims to improve firepower indirectly by improving the vehicle’s vision systems. The idea is to replace the current second generation thermal cameras with other more modern systems with a greater range in the detection, recognition and identification of targets.

Spain; Army formulating plan to protect Centauro VCR fleet

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