Thailand; Navy opt for Kalashnikov rifles



According to the Naval Ordnance Department The Thai Navy plans to purchase 5.56mm AK-201 Russian rifles, total 500 units for $ 1,387,240.65 or per barrel $ 2,774.65 for the Eastern Marines Scout Task Force (Thahan Phran).


200 series Kalashnikov assault rifle: AK-200, AK-201, AK-202, AK ...


It may be seen that when compared with the rifle from the west, such as Colt M16A4 in the amount of 450 units, costing 23,4006,986.16 baht ($ 721,769.54) for the Royal Thai Naval Academy. The price of the M16A4 long rifle, the US average price per barrel 52,015.548 baht ($ 1,604.48) shows the fact that Russian guns procured through Rosoboronexport Russian arms export agencies and Thai distribution companies are more expensive contrary to the belief that Russian weapons are cheap.




Thailand; Navy opt for Kalashnikov rifles

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