Ukraine; Army commissions new locally made truck mounted 155mm Howitzer

According to a video published on the Facebook account of “Сергій Пашинський” on May 6, 2022, Ukraine’s armed forces have used for the first time in combat operations the local-made 2S22 Bohdana 6×6 155mm truck-mounted self-propelled howitzers to shell Russian troops deployed on the Ukrainian territory.

Ukraine develops new Bogdana 6×6 self-propelled howitzer

The 2S22 Bohdana is a 6×6 self-propelled howitzer fully designed and developed in Ukraine by Kramatorsk plant of heavy machinery. This new artillery vehicle was unveiled in 2018 during the Kyiv Independence Day Parade. it has conducted its first firing and trial tests in October 2021. There is no information on the number of vehicles that were produced.

The 2S22 is a truck-mounted self-propelled howitzer that is based on a KrAZ-6322 6×6 military truck chassis. The design of the vehicle consists of a crew cab located at the front of the truck and a 155 mm howitzer mounted at the rear of the truck chassis. The crew cab is armored in order to offer protection against the firing of small arms and artillery shell splinters. It has a crew of five and a weight of 28,000 kg.

Using the KrAZ-6322 truck chassis, the 2S22 Bohdana can reach a maximum road speed of 80 km/h with a maximum cruising road range of 800 km and 300 km in off-road conditions.

The 2S22 Bohdana features a 155mm NATO caliber gun system that is able to fire all the standard 155mm ammunition. The artillery truck is equipped with computerized control and targeting system that uses SIPLUS and SIMATIC HM modules produced by Siemens, as well as a shell loading device.

The 2S22 Bohdana is able to carry a total of 20 ammunition and charges. The gun has an elevation from -5° to +65°. It has a firing from 40 to 42 km using standard HE (High Explosive) projectiles and 50 km with rocket-assisted artillery projectiles.

Ukraine; Army commissions new locally made truck mounted 155mm Howitzer

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