According to a Telegram post by NMFTE on July 22, 2023, a Ukrainian Bradley M2A2, equipped with the BRAT (Bradley Reactive Armour Tiles) dynamic protection kit, is used in a counteroffensive against Russian positions near the city of Zaporizhzhia, in southeast Ukraine.
These Bradley M2A2 tracked armored IFV Infantry Fighting Vehicles are used as a part of a conventional military tactic, along with Leopard 2A6 Main Battle Tanks (MBTs). This tactic involves using different types of forces together to provide mutual support and compensate for each other’s vulnerabilities. When we speak of infantry, infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs), and main battle tanks (MBTs), combined arms doctrine is absolutely central, as the Army Recognition editorial team explains in this article.
The mentioned BRAT is actually a common part of standard equipment for this vehicle, it is installed right on the front lines before combat to ensure extra safety for the Bradley.
US deployments in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, apply this protection kit on their Bradley M2A2s. As the name suggests, BRAT was created for this type of vehicle especially.
There are several variants of this armor set, developed jointly by the American company General Dynamics and the Israeli Rafael. The modification used by Ukrainian forces consists of 96 elements (tiles) attached to the front and sides of the hull as well as the turret. The tiles are emplaced on top of a skeleton with fasteners. It can be made even in field conditions.
The exact performance parameters of BRAT elements regarding how well it withstands shaped charge weapons are classified. Although the manufacturers note that the armor set is designed to protect not only against anti-tank rocket-propelled grenades but also against all sorts of modern missiles, including long-range guided missiles.