As reported by Ouest France on September 30, 2023, the French company CEFA (Conception et Études de Fabrication d’Armements) is set to supply Ukraine with 8 EFAs (Engin de Franchissement de l’Avant – Frontal Breaching Engine) self-propelled pontoon bridges and 8 SDZ mine clearance vehicles. These systems, sourced from the former engineer park, will be soon delivered. Ukraine has previously received a range of AVLB (armored vehicle-launched bridge) vehicles, including 34 Biber vehicles (29 from Germany and 5 from the Netherlands), 2 M-3 Bridge and Ferry systems from the Netherlands, and 18 M60 AVLB vehicles from the United States.
The EFA (Engin de Franchissement de l’Avant or Frontal Breaching Engine) is a self-propelled pontoon bridge engineering vehicle that has been specially designed for tactical breaching in high-intensity combat scenarios. It is a versatile amphibious bridging and ferrying system with capabilities that are tailored to address the critical need for swiftly overcoming obstacles during military operations without impeding the ongoing maneuver.