In Zakłady Mechaniczne Bumar-Łabędy SA, works related to the implementation of the concluded contract for repairs of T-64 tanks have begun. The agreement was signed between the company of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa and the Ukrainian concern Ukrobronprom.
Bumar-Łabędy and Ukrobronprom have jointly established a technology center dedicated to the repair of T-64 tanks. New capacities will be created based on the technological potential of the Gliwice-based company. The agreement also provides that the Ukrainian T-64 tanks will be serviced, serviced and restored to full working order. The choice of Bumar-Łabędy as the partner of this contract results from the fact that it has extensive experience in servicing and modernizing tanks of the T family, including the T-72 and PT-91.
The agreement provides for cooperation in the field of repairs, overhauls, assembly, production and development of the supply chain of T-64 vehicles together with other elements of the technological process of tanks. In the long term, cooperation is also planned in servicing the T-72 and PT-91 tanks, transferred by Poland to the Ukrainian side. The possibility of conducting joint work on servicing the Leopard 2 family tanks, transferred to Ukraine by an international coalition, is also being considered.