According to information published by CNN on March 16, 2022, Slovakia has preliminarily agreed to provide Ukraine with Soviet-era air defense missile system S-300 to help defend against Russian airstrikes. Slovakia is one of the three NATO allies that have S-300 in its military inventory.
On March 16, 2022, Army Recognition reported that the United States and NATO allies are sending several surface-to-air missiles systems to Ukraine. Citing, a senior US official, the missiles sent to Ukraine include Soviet-era SA-8, SA-10, SA-12, and SA-14 mobile air defense systems.
According to the Military Balance 2021, the Slovak armed forces already use different types of Soviet-made air defense missile systems including the 9K310 Igla-1 NATO designation SA-16 Gimlet MANPADS (Man-Portable air defense missile system), 2K12 Kub NATO designation SA-6 Gainful) and S-300 PMU NATO designation SA-10C Grumble C long-range surface-to-air defense missile systems.