Uruguay; MoD negotiates buy of 12 Super Tucano valued at $40M

The Minister of National Defense of Uruguay, Javier García, confirmed in statements to the local press that his portfolio continues with the negotiations for the transfer of aircraft from Brazil that began in 2021, as Infodefensa.com advanced, with the aim of assigning them to airspace patrol missions.

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According to this media, the talks are for 12 second-hand Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft, available in the reserves of the Brazilian Air Force. The aircraft are the same as those previously offered to Portugal and Ukraine, and sources linked to the talks in Brazil slipped that each unit is valued at 3.5 million dollars, with cells and engines traveled at zero hours, including maintenance and training support. In this way, the agreement could be around 40 million dollars.

The aforementioned negotiations were part of the visit of the commander in chief of the Uruguayan Air Force (FAU), General Luis H. de León, to his Brazilian counterpart, Carlos de Almeida Baptista Jr., in February of this year, as well as the recent trip of the Vice President of Brazil, Hamilton Mourao, to Uruguay, who met with his Uruguayan counterpart, Vice President Beatriz Argimon, on May 5.

Uruguay; MoD negotiates buy of 12 Super Tucano valued at $40M

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