The U.S. government has frozen the transfer of 60 units of the M1117 ASV armored vehicle to Uruguay, which were to be delivered at a value of $7 million of GPOI funds, due to the war in Ukraine.
The Uruguayan Army, which was eager to receive the aforementioned vehicles because it considered this transfer a unique opportunity for the incorporation of modern armored vehicles with capabilities far superior to those it currently possesses, had appointed a special commission to travel to the United States to see them, being composed of a general, a colonel, two lieutenant colonels and junior personnel, those who would be in charge of making the first contact with the units to begin to familiarize themselves with the new weapon system.
However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has determined that much of the material stored or in reserve, both from the United States and Europe, is reactivated either to be transferred to the invaded country or to reinforce European countries that may be affected by the conflict.